Thank you for stopping by the Photo Studio at the NAAAP Recruitment Expo. The headshot taken of YOU, our attendees, are now available! [click here].
The photos are stored on Amazon Drive and may be downloaded directly onto your machine or hard drive. We want to thank Ms. Etti Mishal of EttiPhotoFun in Las Vegas for her enthusiasm and work at the Expo.
Navigating the headshot collection: You may hover over (in other words, put your cursor over a thumbnail picture) to see a magnified version of the photo. Photos are organized by “time taken” on August 13. Photos taken earlier in the day appear near the front of the gallery of headshots, and photos on the back end were taken at the end of the day.
File size: Each original headshot is nearly 9 MB in size for your needs. You will want to retain the highest resolution versions of any photo of yourself for print uses (e.g., printed book cover, flyer, or business card). By contrast, you will want a lower resolution version of your headshot for the web, a Powerpoint slidedeck, and other digital purposes for the fastest loading. For reference, most LinkedIn headshots are merely 100×100 pixels and 15 KB in size.