NEWS!  Aug. 24, 2016

Professional Headshots taken at the NAAAP Recruitment Expo are posted for your downloading here!

Photos taken during the ERG Summit, Convention, Gala, and Expo will be available VERY soon.  Please check back.


July 22  #Courage Campaign – We rolled back prices to engage more people!

  • ERG Summit on Aug. 11
  • Convention on Aug. 12 and 13
  • All-Inclusive, Aug. 11, 12, and 13
  • Gala Banquet on Aug. 13

NAAAP’s Recruitment Expo on Aug. 13 is free and open to the public. Whether you are actively seeking a career with a diversity-minded employer or looking to network with leading corporations or professionals, please stop in to meet our sponsors and recruiters.  To attend the Expo, you must register in advance or at the event.

Ways to prepare for NAAAP’s Recruitment Expo

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