Speakers Bureau

As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, NAAAP has limited funds and paying Convention speaker fees can be a hardship. This is why NAAAP will launch an Asian Speakers Bureau at the 2014 NAAAP Convention. With no fees or commissions, having access to pre-screened speakers is a valuable service to NAAAP chapters and members. At the same time, we honor and show appreciation to our generous Convention speakers through additional exposure on the NAAAP Speakers Bureau.

All speakers selected for the 2014 Convention will be invited to join the NAAAP Speakers Bureau. NAAAP sees this new program as a way to stay connected with our speakers and promote them to our chapters and members, as well as sponsors and anyone searching for proven speakers. With presence on the NAAAP.org and NAAAPConvention.org, speakers may stay connected as long as they desire.

Other professional speakers and subject matter experts may apply to join the NAAAP Speakers Bureau. Review of applications will start following the 2014 Convention and conducted on a regular basis. For more information regarding the NAAAP Speakers Bureau, contact Ms. Tamara Strickley, NAAAP Speakers Bureau Director (tamara.strickley@naaap.org).

NAAAP is establishing an Asian Speakers Bureau to launch at the time of the 2014 NAAAP Convention! As a 501(c)3 non-profit, NAAAP has limited funds and is unable to pay Convention speakers. This is one reason why NAAAP is establishing an Asian Speakers Bureau, to honor and show our appreciation to our generous Convention speakers, by promoting them through our speakers bureau. We will not charge any fee or accept any commission; we believe it’s a service to NAAAP chapters and members to have access to pre-screened speakers. At the same time, we provide additional exposure for Convention speakers.

All speakers who are selected for the 2014 Convention will be invited to join the NAAAP Speakers Bureau, which will have a presence on the NAAAP.org as well as the NAAAPconvention.org website indefinitely. We are hopeful this new program will be a way to stay connected with our speakers and to promote you to our chapters and members, NAAAP’s sponsors, and many others who search for proven speakers. You may elect to decline the listing.

Other professional speakers and subject matter experts may apply to join the NAAAP Speakers’ Bureau. Such applications will reviewed on a regular basis following the 2014 Convention. For more information about the Speakers Bureau and plans, contact Ms. Tamara Strickley, NAAAP Speakers’ Bureau Director, at tamara.strickley@naaap.org.